Journeys Without Corners

Dreams traverse paths unrealized...

Amongst the expanses where echoes touch the furthest undulating waves, what becomes of the traveler who charts no frontlines, yet carries within them the cosmos, interwoven?

The rain whispers beyond horizons, melding with the cerulean mantra of unseen winds to sculpt the terrains of perception.

This road, uncoiled from nothingness, is not merely a tapestry of footfalls, but a dialogue whispered by silence itself, spiraling without a discernible agony.

Conjoin the whispers of the unknown
Gathering beyond the visible

The wanderer discovers that in each uncharted course, there lies not an absence but an invitation—a cryptic solace written on the untouched veils of understanding. We must ask: are corners but conjurations of the mind's yearning for order?