Unseen Frequencies

No man is an island, but some are distant metronomes, clocked into oblivion. The vibrational threads entwined, neatly and grotesquely, form a tapestry of hums and residues. They expand and contract, entwined with the moon's distant pull, mapping the mapping of the muses with spectral light.

Delve deeper, beneath the seams where silence rests. Inscribe your intentions into the chiseled bones of tamed shadows. Vibrational harmonics wrap each whisper in gossamer veracity, each note a defiance, each silence a bound infinity. Journey through currents unnoticed, find solace amidst hidden cadences here.

The moon's lullabies refrain the earth, while stars sleep quietly in stitches. They move, yet remain; they shimmer, yet quieten; sweet illusions, much like dreams, mock time's iron fence.

An Echo in the Cleft waits, asking silent questions, uncertain as light plays along the skeins.

Wade lightly through disturbances, where sound-age silhouettes weave eccentric harmonies into the frequency of touch. Where wanderers listen, softened by endless webs, fulcrums of dreams vibrant yet still.