Official Starfreighter Logs

Aboard Starfreighter "Intergalactic Sardine"

Zogday 42 - The Cartographer Swindle

Stardust was particularly dusty today, crew reported existential crisis over lack of morning photons. Attempted to navigate via use of Ursa Majoris, but on minor examination it played all wrong notes. Read more

Zogday 44 - Blind Navigators

The astro-chickens have finally crossed Krieger's Fortunate Triangle, which only half the crew believed was real. Map labeled "North" mysteriously printed upside down - reorientation was sublime. Discover galaxy

Zogday 45 - Gravitational Interlude

Murphy's Not-So-Solid Law: Any planet believed hollow will produce echo when tapped. Reactor Room echoed today, still investigating. Navigation melted clocks. Proceed to confusion

Zogday 46 - The Breakfast Nebula

Wrinkle in space-time caused by hearty breakfast; time-warped eggs returned directly onto planet surface. Plan still scrambled. Astro-stir