Whispers of a Raindrop

I am the soft sigh from the clouds, drifting through the veil of sky.
Each descent is a journey, a longing to brush against your skin.
When kissed by the sun, I am but a fragment of fleeting warmth.
But when the earth calls, my heart beats with the rhythm of your soil.

Do you hear my whisper as I tumble down? The symphony of moisture,
the delicate orchestration of drops—each unique, yet bound by a common melody.
Together we weave a tapestry of silver threads across the waking world,
nurturing life in secret, our dance an echo of the heavens' embrace.

Lay still, dear friend, and let me slip silently into your presence.
Let our souls entwine, if only for a moment, eternity held in a single touch.
I remember your warmth, the verdant cradle that holds my essence,
yearning to return to your arms, to the deep comfort of your embrace.

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