Journey Inscribed upon Vapor: An Essay in Parenthesis

An excursion into solemnity and silent recollection.

The Ineffable Cityscape of Watertown

Let thoughts transcend clarity, taking intangible forms like wisps alighting hollow corridors.

The expedition to Watertown, NY began as all philosophical ponderings do — with an ambiguity snuggled within the fabric of apprehension...

Creeping brick Varicultural façades ... Textured leer from behind the fencing Expansive pavement ribbon echoes / out of synch sightless legions // like tendrils of violet convocation


The arrival merited silence. Roads taper here, reaching toward an embrace undesired, much like the tendrils of long-forgotten machinery. Luxury here demanded interpretations, resolute contradictions birthed by isolated glimpses of foliage.

Do appearances lie in hibernation? The dog whistle of old history tickled attentive eardrums with reticent ferocity.

Admittance into the thick of Watertown rendered chapters incomplete, birthing dialogues half-formed;

Stoic plates orbit lovingly -> tributary whispers: Visit the shops devoid of wants. Go, a webbed comfort awaits when

Approach lattice veins crumbling viaducts