In the dim glow of the unseen twilight, a portal made of ancient timber and iron stood, whispering forgotten tales into the wind. At its feet, a mosaic of memories and myths scattered away into the dust, cradling the echoes of silent screams that echoed from within. No one knew how long it had been there, towering and vigilant over the abyss.

Some said it was a gateway to worlds unseen, to realms steeped in darkness and illusory light. Others claimed it was a guardian, holding back the unseen, the untameable. Every nocturnal breeze carried with it the resonance of gasps— the kind one utters when the heart stumbles on the edge of a dream.

You could hear them—the silence itself screamed in bursts, an orchestra of hidden chimes, pleas from the shrouded shadows that danced beyond the gate, where light dared not tread. Dare you knock, traveler?

Step into the whispers
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