Amidst the swirling mists of forgotten realms, where time pirouettes in circles of unending ballet, lies the chimerical garden of echoes. Here, the roses bloom not in red or gold, but in tones of shadow and whisper, petals fracturing like the echoes of a once-breathed sigh.
Through this dimension, the waltz of forgotten dreams collects scattered memories which shimmer like dew-kissed webs caught in the early dawn of the soul. Each note of this symphony is a fragment of stars, serenading the heart with melodies that bend light and stretch the very fabric of consciousness itself.
The echo, oh, the echo of such divine resonance! It calls to you—a gentle tug upon the strings of your existence, urging you to follow its trail of silvered whispers. Do you heed its call? Or linger in the gardens, where infinitesimal blades of grass reflect the universe as seen through a child's eye?