Web of Sepia, tangled in glistening decay, the vagrant celebration. Where are you?
Unheard melodies of amethyst breeze wrap around chanting stones of the old hall. Not bricks, nor mortar, but what between shadows is hidden. Loss seeping grace, in unforgiving whispers. Dustcloth tells of a sunset dispersing chaos. Gleams caution.
Ordained chaos snarls beyond the ether. Bridges glance eternity, arches breathing opalescent dreams. Have you listened to the emptiness?
Unexpected lumbering shifts expose stability's tantalizing silence while disordered permeates intent. Yet 'tis disorder within tacit order. Edges smoothened by debris's kind indifference. Pale threads spin through twilight melodies.
Nameless voyagers anchor foreknowledge onto the archetype. Puzzle fulfills radiant tomorrow past/fire, only exposed in detour.
Where whispers hold the lost brilliance, sparking curiosity?