Once, amidst the twilight of ageless waters and spiraling worlds, there linger the whispers of echoes
outstretched like gossamer veils across the hearts and the remnants of archaic desires.
Panel by panel remain narrated in laughruins crafted with imperceptible hands,
crafted in echoes of forgotten grace, still resonant in heartbeat language.

Lucid are the carvings ignited by embers silent under the sanctuary of luminous thoughts,
and stretched tightly within this feeling of eternity enameled in euphonic clarity.
Do you hear your heart-echoes rise,
embodied in your steps forward aligning with ghost ships lost amidst the lambent cobwebs?
They cling and glide, urging your fingers to divine truths from coin-spirals,
from the labyrinth that nature stampeded the spirits of time in.

Each fragment tells tales engraven-your lips presaging tangled incantations,
melodious umbra weaver, mournful twist of uncanny harps harmonizing shepherd’s vibrant column.
Gifts granted from forgotten tongues and forgotten voices. Interwoven is the silk of stolen
solar light cherished by dandelions, revolving, basking in forgotten reminiscence.