Greetings, earthbound citizen of wetter climates. I am but a diminutive droplet, tasked with descending from the nebulous heights. A minuscule voyager in a grand torrent. My origin? A place called Vapor, where the hot and cold conspire to break the laws of mundane order.
As I plunge, I ponder: Does the planet whisper secrets to my brothers and sisters as we all painfully smash against roofs and sidewalks? Oh, how ironic it is. Known for our slight stature, yet wielding the power to sculpt canyons and engage in hydrological wranglings that make the Earth mother giggle.
Have you heard tales of a drop so mighty it caused a flood? I scoff! Yet silently envy its daring escape from the gravitational norm. Here, every cycle makes us new yet strangely familiar. Echoes, indeed—truly echoed by the planet, or perhaps I'm mishearing your own cynical voice.
Hidden Truth of the Mighty River
Legends of the Whispered Canyon
Remain still for a moment. Relish the drip. Relish the absurdity.