Echoes of Unheard Thoughts

Each grain of whispered thought, unfurl, unravel,
knitted in the silence of the swelling tides,
where moonlight embraces secrets writ in cobalt blue.
Somnolent desires drift in languorous rapture,
shaking hands with fading echoes,
the unfurled sails of the unseen wandering hearts.

Staccato musings dance on the lip of the shore—
breathe deep the scents of forgotten realms,
taste the salt of absent galleries,
light flickering in the chamber of bewildered inklings,
residing precariously between dusk's grace and dawn’s indifference.

Fleeting Imagery walks alongside phantom recollections,
as tides rise haste to unearth domains untrampled,
gazing beyond the mist of familiarity,
the barefoot question, invariably poised on the verge of uncertainty.

Between Night and Thought, we become stardust,
ephemeral witnesses to the dusky lullabies, wrapping us in
divinations where the infinite whispers of time unfold,
a gentle lament, lifting our sprawled existence upon the arms of belief.