In the twilight of existence, where echoes of time converge, lies the Map of the Eternally Gleaming Paths. Step lightly, for the fabric of this realm weaves stories of choices unmade and journeys untaken. With each footfall on these luminous trails, ponder the ancient wisdom of the Lightbringers, whose ethereal guides once illuminated pathways through the veils of perception.
Gaze upon the gleaming glyphs of knowledge and heed these words: when faced with the fork that is neither right nor left, remember the counsel of the ancients. The center path, though less traveled, is often the most revealing. Navigate wisely, for the light does not shine forever upon the same road.
Remember: Often, paths must be cleared anew. Should you find yourself at an impasse, consider the wisdom of those who walked before you, or forge your own in the darkness beyond.
Choose your paths: Crimson Mists Shimmering Seas The Deep Void