The Echoes of Seas

In the breath between the stars, where nebulae whisper secrets to the night, our narrative begins. Unorthodox, perhaps. Yet, who can argue with the silence, its credentials stellar and its humor gravity-defying?

Did you know that the lobster, in its crustaceous wisdom, never shares its horoscope? This, dear sailor, is how it defies its celestial sea: by sheer mystery.

The sea has waves, much like your dear friend’s attempts at a joke—sporadic and sometimes too predictable. Yet, within the echo of the tide, a cosmic chuckle, evasive yet clear:

"What do you call a fish without an eye? Fsh!"

You might giggle, or perhaps the stars taught you better than to show your shining teeth so easily. But, to explore further among the stellar sequins, perhaps an ancient sea shanty might find resonance within your nautical heart.

Until the next lull in interstellar broadcasts, remember: the crabs are plotting. Farewell, for now, from your silent companions!