Echoes of Reality

Rejoice in the harmony of dissonance.
Drink deeply from the fountain of caffeine-induced insomnia,
while running a marathon of seated craze.

Feast upon organic poison — free-range worthy aspirational toxins.
Enlightenment sold by a thousand influencers in flowery packets.
Health tips via serpentine recommendation.

Breathe the air recycled from whispering rock fans,
the ones your boss subscribed you to — complimentary no less!
Traverse this treadmill of stationary advancement,
glazing eyes lit by friendly LED sages, never blinking.

Marching forward, reversed in time. Echoes of reality swirl,
cast in ironed satirical futures. Are freedoms sold in cozy bundles
worth perplexing this veil of laughter? Build castles
atop melting dogmatic syllables, find footing.