Wonder Depths...

Depths of Wonder

A Journey into Mind's Eye

A flicker of moonlight on water, dancing shadows whisper untold
A rabbit with a pocket watch, never late but always wondering
Why does the clock tick backward in dreams? Time's river flows both ways
The tree grew words instead of leaves, stories in bark and root
Sometimes the universe hums; have you heard its melody? Silence sings

Scribbled notes from the edge of reality:
- Note to self: when crossing rainbows, watch for glittering bridges
- Dream diary entry: saw a dragon weaving clouds into tales
- Mend the broken hourglass; time spills but doesn't rustle
- Circle 'round the old oak; its roots hold secrets of yesterdays
- Paint the wind; its colors are invisible yet vividly present

Pathways of Light
Whispering Waters
Labyrinthine Dreams