Where do lost thoughts gather? Perhaps beneath the veil of the known night, they weave a silent tapestry. For each moment we glance away, remnants linger, stitching themselves into a fabric unseen, substantial yet intangible...
Sleepless echoes resonate within, as if the mind were a hallway of hidden doors each leading to nowhere. Are we but wanderers in a place of perpetual forgetfulness?
Find SolitudeSifting through disconnected fragments like pages torn from an open book, we gather pieces of ourselves that never align correctly. Words dissolve like sugar within darkened tea, sweetness absorbed without acknowledgment. A latent clarity emerges in confusion...
Thread by thread, reflections come apart at the seams, holding or releasing depending on the angle of inquiry.
Continue WalkingIf the essence of distraction could breathe, would it whisper secrets of alternate paths, those eroded by years of choices unmade? Tires screech silently upon the roads left untouched by treads of determined boots, trails wind back upon themselves, leading not to begin or end but enveloping endlessly...
A question lingers: missed intention or intended absence?
Trace the Unknown