Footsteps echoed on alien shores, silent beings watching as the sea whispered forbidden tales. These shores glisten in hues of melancholy; familiarity morphs to specters.
Definition: a dark reflection in the mirror of universal paradox.
Witness the trembling pulse of shadows that emerge, lurking in the gloom, suffocating dreams of mundane reality.
Painted obsidian urinals, drained of meaning, once cradled unfathomable thoughts.
Something ineffable lingered here; are they the memories of the forsaken, desperately clinging to existence?
Isolation: a requiem that dances, a mind imprisoned within its own curious anguish.
And upon this experiential collage of mismatched threads, darkness finds solace...
The amorphous beings, lost travelers navigating twisted corridors of paradox, grasp lingering remnants left by long-gone entities.