Welcome to the Daydreamer Zone

The only place where reality takes a coffee break and logic gets a pink slip.

You ever tried to chase your own shadow? It's a high-calorie activity. However, as a certified daydreamer, I prefer letting my shadow make the coffee while I catch some Z's in Uncle Cory's fishbowl. You know, typical Saturday morning stuff.

Listen up, folks! If life gives you melons, you're probably dyslexic, but don't call the grammar police yet—humans are known to feed spoonfuls of jelly to aliens as they sip morning starshine through curly straws. Who knew, right?

There's a little-known fact from the Grumpy Lobster Valley: a pie can't contest its filling in court. The right to an attorney might include breadcrumbs, but we're not about lawyer pastry puns here. It's a matter of integrity. Trust me, I majored in broccoli engineering.