The Hollow Spaces Between

Within the echo chambers, lost thoughts linger, each utterance a ghost whispering of forgotten endings and the unsure steps of those once bold.1

Chiaroscuro of Absence

Puzzles cradle whispers, images flickering then fading; a pomegranate seed left uneaten amidst the shards of broken mirrors.

The Murmured Secrets

Shapes twist beyond dark corners and rusting memories spill over into shadows. Arbitrary notes left in books stained by tears long dried. One for love, two for loss, how many for solitude?

Locked Within

The wheel turns eternally, encasing luminous phantoms beneath fragile skin. Passwords whispered and entwined with skeletal dreams.

Where do fragments end, where shadows thrive? The categories dissolve as footsteps retrace ground brushed with sleeping spiders.

Time is a fleeting cage

Fates intertwine like electric vines, zapping through the fabric of the mind; everything unresolved... Where missing pieces hide.

Explore the brains' mechanical inventions
Read decrees from a sallow world