Current Sagas: The Turkey Chronicles

Turkey Sandwich A Bite of Disappointment

It began as a whisper, a mere notion tossed carelessly into the stale air of the conference room. Leslie had brought her lunch—turkey and cheese—carefully balanced on her lap as Bossman Ted delicately attempted to illustrate market trajectories using, perpetuatively, power points wearing heavily congested menus.

The haze of post-lunch lethargy encased each employee as upside-down charts inadvertently revealed their feigned enthusiasm, bloated like the hubcap of hope misplaced. “Does anyone have ideas for our brand influence vanquishment?” Ted posed, slowly inhaling existential dread along with Joey’s microwaved fish that serenaded the moment dreadfully.

Paula accidentally mistook Leslie’s sandwich for a white ring buoy—a life saver perfectly situated above drowned thoughts. “I speak to you, symphony sandwich!” she cried, launching it skyward as the office collectively gasped in melodramatic rhythm.

“It's edible chaos splatter at its finest! All hands on sandwiches!” Hubert chimed, although the thunderous pulse of everyone shrunk away. Papers flew like eager daffodils longing for spring!

The conclusion? Strategic sabotage could indeed emerge from lunchtime cannibalism!