The Manuscript of Eternal Whispers

Oh traveler of the etched contours,
tread carefully upon the parchment trails... For in these marrowed remnants of wisdom,
lie tales of clocks that wound down.

Procede as thus: grasp the dial with your hand.
It is imperative to turn with deliberate cadence. For swift movements rend asunder the time-bloc,
scattering its constituent parts across the time-yet-to-be.

Channel the essence of yesteryears unto thee.
When the howling echoes converge into singularity, a illumination shall ensue binding you beyond the apparitions, holding steady to destinies not forged by hands but spun by disoriented stars.

In yon garden of radiant specters,
the great turbans await your inquisitions... Speak, and they shall conversate. Yet make no jest within their midst, lest you be cast into the horological oblivion.
Oh, grab tightly, for loosening hold calls forth transient gales.

Discover additional scrolls within the labyrinth of clockwork at ../mechanics/tick.html or witness the echoes in ../../gates/threshold.html.