Echoes of petals falling on forgotten paths, where shadows weave the fabric of light. Dislocated memories spiral, nestled in the arms of silent stars.
Once, a clock sang. Measured beats lying in wait, anticipating the moment it dissolves beneath an ocean of sand. Whispered secrets dip into the abyss, unfurling mysteries that breathe.
A creature of shimmering dusk eyes the horizon, eluding resolution as it drifts through realms unseen. The minds of astronomers unravel as they count the grains of time locked in the embrace of a timeless dance.
Hear the sigh of forgotten worlds. This is not fiction nor reality, but a dream carved from the void. Thread the needle through paradox, delicate as a moth's sigh drifting back to moonlit memories.
Where thoughts collide and merge, we are the echoes, the remnants of laughter lost in ages. They ripple through the currents of a life unspent. Taste the absence, where curiosity curls spiraled within.