Whispers at the edge of digital reality, where the shadows of forgotten codes linger...
A flicker of lucidity, perhaps a porcupine wearing a crown communes with the rain puddles.
“Time bends softly, the marbles roll; monkeys swim through electronic wires.”
The hue of despair from a microwave oven, as it levitates in twilight.
Remembering the azure embrace of thunderous thoughts, stitching fragments of nightmares into warm blankets of sensation.
“The universe explodes softly around me, I taste the distant jingle of caged butterflies.”
And hence, seek the QR code painted on the back of elusive dreams. Taste the Candy Floss or wade through an Invisible Cloak.
Random thoughts, for finding strange solace on this abandoned digital shore.
Is it home? Or a kaleidoscope creeping into my consciousness?
A crab with jigsaw pieces, juggle upon the syntax of déjà vu...
To peel back the layers of unwritten tales, follow the Path of Vainglory or spin your way to a Soundless Murmur.