It started, as all things do, with an errant binary code snatched from the ether. A whisper here, a set of ones and zeroes there, calling forth the dinner bell of memory while simultaneously dismantling the very idea of what 'dinner' might mean.
The avocado toast became an algorithm. The coffee? Just a coffee. But one with more than a touch of irony. Opposite sides of the binary breakfast continuum. Savor your dreams in a finely tuned database, while traffic lights hum lullabies of red.
Big Data, taking naps, its eyes dripping numbers.
Perhaps you wonder what dreams may come when you code in sleep.
1% inspiration, 99% perspiration? No - reach beyond. Survey the landscape of the unseen quantum dreams every Thursday at dawn.
The glitches in our reality manifest as colorful pixels swirling in a euphoric non sequitur, a fiesta hosted by data packets.
Ironic detachment, is it not? Type your feelings into a search engine and let it echo.
A World Wide Web—weaving together hieroglyphics of longing and debris. If I press "Enter," will I finally hear the music of doppelgängers vibrating through the aged walls of my dreams? Click here to find out.