The universe as a manifest binding can be exemplified by that initial act of folding.
It has long been a subject of academic curiosity—a service as definite as heat contraction,
vexation sculpture in design; perpetuation of bending and of binding energetics.
Amongest the myriad folds of time and matter lies the undeniable articulation by
points and equations across light years—the gravity that underpins existence.
To pertain this theory to an emotional retrospection, we find ourselves contemplating:
Do gravitational wells collect sentiments as they encompass stars?
Is the universe keen to knowledge, wrapping memories in invisible envelopes?
Juxtaposed, these vast peripheral constructs mirror our introspective struggle:
waves of sentiment merge and diverge, circumvent an invisible anchoring moment.
Fostering insights, similar to accretive luminescence in gravitational wells, is our potential.
An alchemy that remains poised, never static, in interaction:
one may inquire if gravity possesses a tacit continuum relation, sympathetic
perhaps, to the emotional arc of humankind.
Reflections and Further Studies
Readers can ponder the reciprocal dance: