Once upon hidden onscreen tapes—a memory flicker across forgotten lands. Streets crumbled gently, whispers framework shadows dancing atop faded murals. Timepiece stores, once vibrant, echo in the charred metallic ambiance. Hammocks strung over thick vines covering orphaned multi-dimensional nodes.
Shimmering urban legends drift embers, like soul chants, retreating through fissured pathways sewn of fearless recklessness. Translucent rivers loom, shattered mirrors of dreamspun realities left behind by whirring motion through mistbound valleys. Sapient corners beg untold stories through engravings of lips.
To edge of backlight neutrality, showing cicada shell metropolis in future's demise blooms worn textures'ed shores, forsaken electronics blinking on failed writhing. Bearing symbolographs rightway records sent impressions twist raw chaotic alignments, forming free-roaming myths unsettling founderry amidst past wandering currents.