Back to Silence

A paradox of available data—raw zeros interspersed with ghosts. Lost uploads of translucent twinkling sounds wrapping phrases into tight-coded digits while echoes linger, melancholia settles beneath yesterday’s silence.

“Transaction ID: 8796-G; expiration irrelevant.”
Packets lost on the infused lands of 802.11 – once vibrant now an echo toolbox.
A solitary laser printer, out of ink, decodes the family recipe:
“1 cup of memories, 5 drops of faded laughter.”
Fragment: “Data Compliance, Section 67b.9 – Silence is certified.”
“Your file was never downloaded.”

Fragments colliding – such meticulous attention to detail. Algorithms paint emotions onto white screen; whitespace itself damp with data necromancy.

If you wish to return to the echo chamber, click here. For a paradoxical exploration of artificial inspiration, see this.