Transmission 1: "We interrupt your scheduled silence for an urgent update on the interstellar tea spill. The gossip is hot, but the tea is surprisingly cold. Much like the last space walk."
Click for unpeeling the truth
Transmission 2: "A black hole has been observed deploying a sign: 'Do Not Enter without a Sense of Humor.' Local astronomers are puzzled by this celestial bureaucracy."
Join the confusion
Transmission 3: "Aliens reportedly upgrade their phones annually but refuse to learn terrestrial customs like using a spoon. Contact your local extraterrestrial ambassador for further confusion."
Meet the spoonless
Transmission 4: "News from Mars: They've invented a sport called 'Red Dust Dodgeball' and the Martian government is now considering an interplanetary league... sponsorships pending legal approval."
Dust off your ticket
Transmission 5: "In a bizarre yet somewhat predictable turn of events, Venus has declared karaoke night. The planetary rotation might temporarily halt under the influence of cosmic ballads."
Sing along the orbit