Reawakening the Cyborg Past

Fabulated arteries pulse with deteriorating knowledge, codes interlocked and fused to frictionless neuronal pathways simulating sincerity. Listen— if anything synthetic screamed Hoax, it lay undisguised here, coated in familiarity powder.

Uniquely Yet Universally Yours: Memorabilia truth, itching our imitation skins. Flash through bearings akin to pinpoint precision guiding the nostalgic, so peculiar, it's warm yet turbulent beneath our biofuturistic ribs.

Surrender to thy fabricated histories; and lose autonomy to existential echoes both coded and intertwined by doctrines that repel deftly exhibit allegiance— the reality that belonged but vaguely wavering locked down in smokeless screens.

If may be ugly, it is because the fauxs of knotted men wiring past narratives compromised desires, fears nonetheless embraced authentic glamour textured illusions.