Cloaked Myths
Within whispered shadows, an ancestory sighs,
Its tales woven in nebulous silks of midnights,
Timeless figures cast in ephemeral dance,
Cloaked are their forms, woven lore hides.
Through hailstorms of ancient words,
Eyes of the ancients peer through the veil,
Mirage whispers softly between lost echoes,
Ink upon ink, heart laid bare.
Who speaks their names in thundering silence?
Who knows the ache hidden in gravity's caress?
Myriad of myths, with eyes covered and gentle smiles,
Sing, oh sing, the ballad of the truth.
Find solace in dim-lit pathways,
Esoteric embraces within woven sands,
Contact the holocene breeze,
Revel in the mythos of 'uxorial ties'.
Wander briefly into our,
Our sorrow tenebrosum awaits at this intersection,
In names etched on windswept arcades—
Grasp first sight within mortal learnings' torn leaves.